Empower Teachers, Enrich Education.

Join our mission to fight teacher burnout and elevate educational content.

At Edu Themes, our mission is all about

Teacher Prosperity

Our Mission

We help keep the best teachers teaching by providing an affordable educator-driven marketplace of top-quality resources to ignite the love of teaching and learning, end burnout, and enhance teachers' financial and classroom prosperity. 

Our Vision

Creating a future where teachers thrive in their profession, students are deeply engaged in learning, and the educational community flourishes through collaboration and sustainable compensation.

Featured Courses

Our first cohort of burnout-fighting courses for teachers

Quantitown - Math 1

Save Quantitown from the clutches of the irrational Fraction Faction in this stunning retro-inspired Algebra 1 course.

World History: Journey Through Time

Curious about our engaging, standards-aligned World History course? Sign up today to access select modules for free!


Your students crave the power that comes from typing at incredible speeds. Now you can offer them that rush, even if you hunt-and-peck yourself!


Accelerator Program

Our accelerator program is designed to help passionate educators create and sell high-quality courses. We provide resources, mentorship, and a platform to showcase your expertise.



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