Culturally Responsive Teaching, Inspiration, Technology

Too Many Options

Woman teaching a girl to play ukelele

Students today have no idea how good they have it. They have access to more knowledge, more content, more material, more instructors, more instruction, more gurus, more tools than anyone that’s ever lived before. More than most US presidents had access to, more than ancient kings.

Even students in the 90’s only used computers in labs, accessed the internet for special occasions, and carried multiple books across campus and home to study.

Now, with a cell phone, tablet, or laptop, students have access to more than ever before.

Yet, we are facing the most anxious, depressed, and insecure generation. Why?

There’s no single good answer for this.

However, I would argue that there is too much coming at our students at once.

Too much information, too many tools, too many opportunities. Kids freeze up. There’s aren’t enough people showing them how to use them. How to make sense of it all.

YouTube and social media influencers will tell them they don’t need college, they can learn it all online. While in many cases there is truth to that, few students will have the knowledge of what videos to watch or courses to take online on their own. Even those who do may struggle with the discipline to complete it. Even those who complete it will struggle with what to do with their knowledge.

Even if they pick the path they want, they’re faced with millions of images of people doing something else, and the fear of missing out comes in. Change is so constant, it’s raer to find a student that sticks with something long enough to make progress in it.

These challenges are real, and while there is no simple solution, the reality is that you cannot remove the human element. All kids, all students, all people need a champion. A guide. A counselor. An advocate. A wiser, more experienced person in their life to guide the way for them.

Do you have that person in your life?

Are you that person for someone else?

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